Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lili's traditional Cheddar Cheese Fondue

Ever since I can remember, we ate fondue every year for our "réveillon de Noël" Christmas Eve for the non french people. First thing first, we would traditionally celebrate with a midnight mass. My only reason for church was to kill time while Santa clause brings me presents. Back home, we would open our presents followed by the "reveillon"... anyway my mom had an awesome Fondue recipe with clam and shrimps in it, it was the best. One day they stop selling the soup my mom would use to make the fondue so if was never the same after that *sniff* *sniff* Finally I grew up (sort of) and I found my kick ass fondue to make during xmas.


1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp dry mustard
1 (12 oz) can beer
1 1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Sourdough bread


  1. Melt butter, blend in flour
  2. Stir until thick
  3. Add beer; stir until thick and boiling
  4. Add salt, dry mustard and Worcestershire sauce
  5. Gradually add cheese keep stirring in will burn
  6. serve with sourdough bread that has been cut up in cubes
Nutrition facts

serving size: 1 (113g)

calories: 265
total fat: 20.2g
saturated fat: 12.8g
cholesterol: 59mg
Sodium: 498mg
Carbs: 6.9
Protein: 10.3